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10 Myths About Christmas - Facts About Christmas
You all wants to about Christmas, So here we are comeup with myth about Christmas
Posted By- Khyati Rathod | Posted On - Dec 21, 2020
There is one beloved Christmas Tradition in America that is to decorate a Christmas tree. Most people think that it’s been around well forever. But the thing is Christmas trees are actually a pretty recent holiday tradition. German immigrants brought the tradition here in the mid 18th century. Yet in this 100 years later it still hadn’t really caught on. In fact, this is downright controversial. The New York Times wrote an editorial against the practice in the 1880s. He rolled against the Cutting Christmas tree and said that it was a waste of good lumber.
Christmas popularity amongst Christians and non-Christians and there was also a myth about Christmas and Christmas trees. Here we come up with some of the myths about Christmas that you can never hear before this.

1. Christmas is one of the important Christmas holidays.
On Christmas, Christians celebrate the birthday of Jesus, and they call Jesus a son of God. That is definitely an important event for Christians, and they spend a few weeks whooping it up, from Dec, 25 until sometimes in January, depending on their exact religious affiliation. But Easter commemorates Jesus. Rising from death into elemental life, which was not only a coup for Jesus personally, but for all of humankind as his resurrection is said to have contained the promise of eternal life for all who can believe in him. Because Easter is so scary Christians spend nearly two months of the year celebrating the Easter season, far longer than they celebrate Christmas. Everyone has a birthday but not everyone can trump death.
2. Climate C Moore Wrote “Night Before Christmas”
This poem was published anonymously, and it wasn’t until 1836 that someone stepped forward as the author. Clement Clarke Moore is a professor and poet. According to Moore is claimed to be an author, members of the henry Livingston cried foul and said that their father’s dad had been reciting the very same poem to them a full 15 years before it was published.
Who was telling the truth? At least four of Livingston’s kids, and one neighbor, said that they recommended him reciting the poem as early as 1807. He was also one part of dutch and many references in the poem too.
3. Jesus was born on 25th December
If Christmas is a celebration of Jesus’ birth, and Christmas is always on Dec 25 then Jesus was born on Dec 25 right? Nope, No one knows for sure when Jesus was born. The Bible mentions neither a month nor a date. Yet while Jesus may have been born on Dec. 25 it’s highly unlikely, at least according to Biblical.
4. Abbreviating Christmas as “XMAS”
Don’t take “Christ” out of Christmas! That’s the rallying cry of many Christians, who become quite frantic over what they view as sharing it with simple X. a secular X, an impersonal, present and Santa seeking X. but if you read it as “XMAS'' than this slang is not against to the son of God. that is far from it the word “Christ” in greek is written "Χριστός.". But being an offensive abbreviation for Christmas “Xmas” is actually a quite logical nickname.
5. Santa Claus, St. Nicholas, and Father Christmas is all are same
This is a tricky one. The three are definitely different, yet sometimes can be considered the same. St. Nicholas was a fourth-century Turkish bishop who spent his life-giving money to the poor, and it's said one of his favored methods was secretly leaving money in people's stockings overnight. Nicholas died on Dec. 6 and was eventually proclaimed a saint. Thus, Dec. 6 became known as St. Nicholas Day. Various cultures celebrated by instructing their kids to leave out stockings or shoes the night before so "St. Nick" could fill them with gifts like fruit, nuts, and candy.